Justin Bieber To Release An Album With Christian Themes


Justin Bieber is a 24 year old pop sensation with a net worth of over $225 million. People have viewed his YouTube videos over 11 billion times, he has over 77 million Facebook fans and over 80 million Twitter followers, and six Billboard number one selling albums. In the music world he is a giant.

And his next album is reported to include Christian themes, though it likely won’t release until 2019. The songs he has recorded thus far are reported to include ideas about love and redemption and are a reflection of his faith and the teachings of his church.

Bieber has ties to Hillsong Church in New York City.

Bieber’s music has long been associated with teen fans, but his most recent album broadened his appeal, and several outlets I surveyed, including this one, noted a new connection with the young male demographic.

So why is this news?

Justin Bieber is an international force in the music and pop culture world, and whether we like it or not, the themes of his next album will garner massive attention. He cancelled the latter half of his 2017 Purpose tour to reconnect with his faith. There were rumors he would start his own church. Observers, critics, and commentators will be ready to weigh in when Bieber returns to the music scene and begins touring. There will be plenty of chatter about his lyrics and their connection to his Christian faith.

So it would be best to be ready. Millennials have long had a connection to Bieber, as do Gen Zers due to the natural overlap between adolescence and pop culture. When the public begins to hear more about Bieber’s latest album and plans are made for a tour, you can bet that emerging generations will be well informed. Some will be ready to criticize, while others will be eager to praise.

As a youth and college ministry veteran, I’ve found it is always helpful to be familiar with the world of my students even if I’m not totally immersed in it. Not only is it a way to connect when teaching and preaching, but it is also a sign that I care, that I’m interested in their lives, their passions, and the conversations that they have each day. I have no plans to pick up Bieber’s new album when it drops in 2019, and I would never ask a worship band to learn one of his songs in an attempt to be “relevant.” But I will pay attention, and I’ll ask what my young friends are hearing and what they think.